Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Small Change to Make a BIG CHANGE

A couple weeks ago, my Kindergarten students started working on their rough drafts of their Water Fundraising Posters ... we first looked at Fundraising Posters on-line and the children discussed details and colors and how most posters had BIG, BRIGHT, BUBBLE letters! They were a bit hesitant and many said they thought this would be a HARD project!!!

After they were happy with their background picture rough draft, they chose a slogan to write on their poster ... they played with making bubble letters and practiced writing with markers.  On Monday we were ready to conquer our FINAL drafts ... a few children were absent so will have to make up this work during the week.

I popped on the classical music and the kids got their Poster Paper and they began to lightly sketch their background drawing. When they felt ready ... I pulled out the Water Colors and the kids began to paint .... It was wonderful to see their drawings coming to life!  We let the paintings dry and Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning, the children added their slogans ....

 Today the children got in 3 groups of 6 and we went to 1 fifth grade and 2 third grade classes.
Each group showcased a couple posters and then announced that tomorrow is WATER WEDNESDAY. (What is that you ask?)
They told the audience that they could dress down on Wednesday if they brought a $1.00 and donated it to the Kinder classes for our Water Filtration Fundraiser.
Each group also told the audiences that the filters cost $52.00 and last 10 years, when properly cared for.
Visit my school web-site if you'd like to see pictures of the kids presenting their posters!

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